
Mobile Video Monitoring


Remote Guard Service

Our proactive video monitoring solution means that when an intruder enters a protected area, our sophisticated AI Analytics recognizes a potential threat and begins reacting immediately. Our professional Remote Guards determine if a threat is present and respond, either by engaging the potential threat, potentially escalating to notifying First Responders of a crime in progress.

Mobile, Rapid, and Wireless

When you need Mobile Video Surveillance and Remote Guard, and you need it NOW, who do you call? Smart Video Trailers – Our dependable mobile surveillance units can be installed and operational quickly, often within 24 hours, making it easier and faster than ever to protect your assets. Our technicians can design and configure your surveillance or remote guard solution in hours, not weeks.

Guard Service Replacement

Physical Security Guards can cost over $30,000 per month. Virtual Guard Patrol and Remote Guard Service never takes a nap, needs no lunch break, and is always on time, at a fraction of the cost. Proactive Video Monitoring means we can identify a threat sooner, and respond quicker, which means less likelihood of escalation or loss.